

Now here is some bbq sauce you will truly enjoy. No matter what flavor you choose I’m quite sure that when you taste any one of my delicious bbq sauces you’ll go reaching for it again and again.

Just like any other backyard grilling enthusiast, I had a basic bbq sauce recipe that I’ve been making for a long time. For years I’ve been creating and giving away this bbq sauce to family and friends and could never keep up with the demand. All I ever heard is how good this sauce is.

My wife told me to get off my rear-end and do something with it because she doesn’t want to hear me complaining in 20 years that I should have, could have, blaa..blaa..blaa. She and a lot of other people have been telling me to do something with this sauce. “Get it out there!” Ok, fine.

I spent the next 18 months in my sauce lab perfecting my recipe. Almost every night I would cook kettle after kettle of sauce. I twisted my original formula around and then some until I got it to the exact recipe that’s available today. But I didn’t stop there. I created more bbq sauce flavors. All my bbq sauce flavors originated from me. Unlike other bbq sauces out on the market, I didn’t need to doctor-up or piggyback on someone else’s bbq sauce and call it my own because my bbq sauce is great-tasting period. It’s all my doing and I’m proud to say that Pigchaser bbq sauce is a family recipe created from scratch. And that’s a fact.

Try any of my bbq sauces on ribs, chicken, brisket, burgers, beef sandwiches, pork chops, seafood, as a marinade, or in a dip. My Pineapple/Mango can be used on Easter hams and Thanksgiving turkeys as a glaze or get this…on cakes and desserts. Yep, it’s true. The bacon bbq sauce tastes great on baked potatoes, chili-cheese fries, burgers, mixed in deviled-eggs, mixed with cream cheese for a cracker spread, or even on a turkey club sandwich. Oh yeah, my Habanero bbq sauce gets hotter after you open it too.

You know you had it coming.

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